Sims Reed Rare Books×

Japan, Described and Illustrated by the Japanese. Written by Eminent Japanese Authorities and Scholars

Brinkley, Captain F. (Editor)

Boston. J. B. Millet Company. 1897
From the Edition de Grand Luxe limited to 50 numbered copies with all photographs hand-coloured - one of the rarest of the editions (the set was published in various editions with different formats and limitations: the Yedo and Orient editions limited to 1,000 copies, the Mikado edition limited to 250 copies, the Imperial and Memorial editions limited to 100 copies, and so on).
A lavish set of Brinkley's magnificent publication surveying Japanese life, art and history. Each volume includes an essay on a particular painting by Kakuzo Okakura, Director of the Imperial Art School at Tokyo.
Each of the volumes in this edition contains an original work as its frontispiece:
I. Example of cut velvet painting, by Giokushu
II. Original watercolour by Beishu
III. Original painting on silk by Beishu
IV. Original watercolour by Beishu
V. Silk embroidery by Nishimura
VI. Painting on lacquer by Tanikawa
VII. Painting on silk by Suika
VIII. Specimens of Modern Japanese Wood-prints
IX. Original watercolour by Nanpo
X. Paper stencil for printing on woven fabrics.
pp. vii, 382. 10 vols. Folio. Illustrated with 100 large plates, of which 70 are hand-coloured photographs, the remainder being prints on silk or velvet, reproductions of paintings or prints and textile samples. There are, in addition, 200 smaller hand-coloured photographs mounted in the text. Each volume in different coloured silk in the Japanese style, lavish embroidery, matching decorative schema with title to upper board. Some wear to edges of some bindings, few volumes with mild damp-staining to corner of boards.