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#985Aerial FlowersNash, PaulCounterpoint Publicationscontemporary, reference1947£75#4900BigarrureIcart, Louis. Hermant, AbelLes Editions Lapinamodern-illustrated1928£300#48590Concetto SpazialeFontana, LucioEdizioni Galleria il Cavallinocontemporary1966£12,500#48589Vers le Blanc Infini. Poèmes et GravuresArp, HansLa Rose des Ventsmodern-illustrated, contemporary1960£4,000#48587From Around a LakeLong, RichardArt & Projectcontemporary1973£750#48586Paradise Lost. A Series of Twelve Illustrations Etched by William StrangStrang, William. Milton, JohnEdward Arnoldantiquarian1896£1,000#48584Carnet de Croquis / Sketch BookVan Dongen, Keesmodern-illustratedc.1900£22,500#48583The First [- Second] Part of the History of the Valorous and Wittie Knight-Errant Don-Quixote of the Mancha. Translated out of the Spanish by Thomas SheltonAshendene Press. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel deThe Ashendene Pressantiquarian1927; 1928£4,500#48582The Faerie Queen Disposed Into Twelve Bookes Fashioning XII. Morall VertuesAshendene Press. Spenser, EdmundThe Ashendene Pressantiquarian1923£6,500#48581Fourteen Poems by C. P. Cavafy Chosen and Illustrated with Twelve Etchings by David HockneyHockney, David. Cavafy, C. PEditions Alecto Limitedcontemporary1966£15,000#48580Urne Buriall and the Garden of CyrusNash, Paul. Browne, Sir ThomasCurwen Pressantiquarian1932£7,250#48579Thucydides. (The History of the Peloponnesian War)Ashendene Press. ThucydidesThe Ashendene Pressantiquarian1930£7,500#48578Parler SeulMiro, Joan. Tzara, TristanMaeght Editeurmodern-illustrated1950£15,000#48577(Decameron). Il Libro di Messer Giovanni Boccaccio ... il Decameron ... &cAshendene Press. Boccaccio, GiovanniNella Stamperia Ashendenia. (Ashendene Press)antiquarian1920£6,500#48576Etchings illustrating Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales.' Introduction and Translation by Nevill CoghillFrink, ElizabethWaddingtonantiquarian1972£5,500#48575Le Chef-d'Oeuvre InconnuPicasso, Pablo. Balzac, Honoré deAmbroise Vollard, Editeurmodern-illustrated1931£22,500#48574El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz. Illustrado con 12 grabados al cobre, originales del autor. Prologo de Rafael AlbertiPicasso, PabloEdiciones de la Cometacontemporary1969£18,500#48573ParallèlementBonnard, Pierre. Verlaine, P[aul]Imprimerie Nationale / Ambroise Vollard Editeurmodern-illustrated1900£20,000#48572Pasiphaé, Chant de Minos. (Les Crétois)Matisse, Henri. Montherlant, Henri deMartin Fabianimodern-illustrated1944£17,500#48571Niki de Saint-PhalleSaint-phalle, Niki deHanover Gallerycontemporary1968£150
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