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Descrizione delle Feste Celebrate in Parma l'Anno MDCCLXIX per le Auguste Nozze di Sua Altezza Reale d'Infante Don Ferdinando colla Reale l'Archiduchessa Maria Amalia

Bodoni, Giovanni Battista

Parma. Bodoni at the Stamperia Reale. 1769
First edition of Bodoni's magnificent celebratory festival book produced the year after his appointment to the Stamperia Reale.

The work was published for the 1769 wedding of Ferdinand, Duke of Parma to Maria Amelia, Archduchess of Austria and details the extraordinary and lavish festivities surrounding the union as well as, in part, reflecting a desire to compete with the French court's own festival publications ('LOUIS XIV fit éclater sa magnificence dans les Fêtes de Versailles: FERDINAND a exercé les talents en celles de Parme'). The festivities were designed by the Court architect and engineer Petitot and featured tournaments, fireworks, processions, a pastoral play and a Chinese fair, all of which - as well as the costume and arms of those attending - are reflected in the beautiful plates.

Of particular note is the final section on the Chinese fair and Petitot's detailed designs for the pavilions which reflect the Anglo-Chinois style then prevalent in Europe. The final plate depicting the fireworks in the Colorno garden is beautifully detailed and wonderfully evocative.

'Son Altesse Royale, voyant le bonheur de ses sujets attaché surtout à cette époque, a voulu non seulemet la célébrer, mais encore en rendre les fêtes comme permanente aux yeux de l'Europe, par le moyen de l'impression & de la gravure ... On n'a rien négligé pour que les caracteres, les planches & les ornaments typographiques répondissent à la beauté du sujet.' (Preface).

[Cicognara 1525].
pp. 76. Folio. (Binding size: 563 x 415 mm.). Half-title, engraved allegorical frontispiece, printed title with engraved armorial vignette, four sectional titles in Italian and French and 36 etched plates, of which six are double-page all after Ennemond Alexandre Petitot. 76 pages of parallel text in Italian (italic type) and French (Roman type) including 23 engraved head- and tail-pieces and eight engraved initials. The engravers used included Volpato, Bossi, Patrini, Ravenet, Muzzi, Antonio and Tomaso Baratti and Zuliani. Contemporary full mottled calf, boards ruled in gilt to surround large gilt vignettes with the arms of Duke Ferdinand I of Parma, banded spine with red morocco title label and gilt fleur-de-lys in eight compartments, marbled edges and endpapers.

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