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Opera Posthuma

Spinoza, Baruch, later Benedict

(Amsterdam). (Jan Rieuwertsz). 1677
First edition in a contemporary binding of Spinoza's influential posthumous publication.

Benedict Spinoza (1632 - 1677), the important Dutch Jewish philosopher and precursor of the Enlightenment postponed publication of this, considered his most important publication, for fear of persecution. Spinoza's magnum opus, 'Ethica', presented in a rigorous Euclidean structure, rejects Descartes' dualism of mind and body and proposes no difference between the two in relation to the universe; further he argues that 'Deus sive Natura' ('God or Nature') is the immanent principle, deterministic in and of itself, by necessity.

Also present in the volume are four other works: the 'Tractatus Politicus' (not to be confused with his earlier 'Tractatus Theologico-Politicus'), the 'Tractatus de Intellectus Emendatione', the 'Epistolae' (which elucidate Spinoza's views on his own and Descartes' philosophy, optics and lenses, the telescope and so on) as well as a Hebrew grammar, the study of that language being for Spinoza necessary for any understanding of the religious texts that were the basis for received religious wisdom and authority.

One of the three great Rationalists (together with Descartes and Leibniz) Spinoza's thought had a profound effect on ensuing philosophy. A profound influence on the Enlightenment, German and English Romanticism, Hegel, psychoanalysis, ideas of revolution, ecologist and Marxist thought, Spinoza inspired Shelley's 'The Necessity of Atheism' (which led to Shelley's rustication from Oxford), was Jeeves favoured reading material and caused Einstein to state: 'I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings.'

' ... the Opera Posthuma, published in the same year [as his death, i.e. 1677], have served, then and since, with the Tractatus Theologico-Politicus, to immortalize his name.' (PMM).

[Brunet V, 492].
pp. (xxxix), 614, (xxx); 112, (viii). 4to. (212 x 165 mm). Contents: Printed title with woodcut vignette, 'Praefatio' concluding with list of works, section titles to each part ('Ethica', 'Tractatus Politicus', 'Tractatus De Intellectus Emendatione', 'Epistolae' and 'Compendium Grammaticus Linguae Hebraeae'), indexes for the first four titles and separate index for the 'Compendium'. Text in Latin and Hebrew with italic type. Woodcut vignette to title, woodcut initials and woodcut diagrams in the text. Occasional pencil marginalia. Some slight staining and dampstaining. Full contemporary vellum with Yapp edges, ink title to spine: 'B. a. Spino / Opera posthum / 1677'.