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The designs of Inigo Jones, consisting of plans and elevations for public and private buildings. With some additional designs

Jones, Inigo. Kent, William

London. Published by William Kent. 1727
First edition of the published works of Inigo Jones in a fine contemporary binding.

Essentially based on the Jones-Webb collection of architectural drawings purchased by Lord Burlington in the early 1720s, this book provides extensive coverage of Jones's designs for the Banqueting House in Whitehall and various smaller projects. The work gives much space to the designs by Jones and Webb for Whitehall Palace as a whole (without acknowledging that they are in fact mainly by Webb) and adds to the drawings from this source four plates based on Palladio's drawings for S. Giorgio in Venice (which Burlington had also acquired). There are, in addition, a large number of plates illustrating buildings designed by Lord Burlington himself, notably Chiswick House and the Westminster School dormitory. The whole forms a splendid record of Jones's work and of Burlington's reinterpretation of Palladio and Jones for his own time.

The allegorical frontispiece by William Kent, frequently lacking, is present here.

Original subscribers to the work included Christopher Wren, Nicholas Hawksmoor, Colen Campbell and Lord Burlington who ordered 12 copies.

[PROVENANCE: Engraved bookplate of John Evan Bedford with armorial device to front pastedowns of each volume].
2 volumes. Folio. Frontispiece, title with engraved vignette, dedication with engraved head- and tail-pieces to King George (probably George I who died in 1727), advertisement leaf, list of plates, list of subscriber's (pp. x) and 52 engraved plates numbered 1 - 73, of which five are large fold-outs and take four numbers each, and 7 double-page taking 2 numbers each; Vol.II - title with engraved vignette, list of plates (pp. vi) and 45 engraved plates numbered 1-63, of which 18 are double-page and take 2 numbers each. Full contemporary calf, boards ruled in gilt surrounding gilt floral tooled border, banded spine with red and green morocco title-labels and elaborate gilt decorative tooling in nine compartments, board edges with gilt decoration, marbled endpapers, green silk placemarkers, marbled edges.