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Groups of Flowers, Drawn and Accurately Coloured After Nature, with Full Directions for the Young Artist; Designed as a Companion to the Treatise on Flower Painting [Together with:] Groups of Fruit [And:] Six Birds

Brookshaw, George

London. Thomas McLean. 1819
Second editions of three of Brookshaw's works to promote the art of drawing.

'I may perhaps be accused of too great a partiality for my favourite art, but I frequently wish that Drawing were always made an essential part of education, there being so many situations in life in which the use of the pencil is not only a pleasing, but an useful accomplishment.' (Brookshaw writing in the advertisement to the first work).
3 vols. in 1. Folio. (370 x 275 mm). Printed title to each part, half-titles for second two works and six lithographs for each work, each present in two states, coloured and in outline, and accompanied by descriptive text; 36 plates in total. Contemporary straight-grained maroon morocco, boards with elaborate decorative tooling in gilt and blind, banded spine with matching decoration and gilt tile in five compartments, board edges and turn-ins tooled in gilt, marbled endpapers, a.e.g.