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Der Blaue Reiter. Die Erste Ausstellung der Redaktion

Kandinsky, Wassily & Franz Marc

Munich. F. Bruckmann. A. G. 1911
An exceptional copy of the rare catalogue for the first exhibition by Der Blaue Reiter.

The contibutors to the exhibition, all important figures from the European avant-garde, were the following (the transcribed names are from the catalogue itself): H. Rousseau (2 works), A. Bloch (6 works), D. Burljuk (2 works), W. Burljuk (2 works), H. Campendonk (2 works), R. Delaunay (5 works), E. Epstein (2 works), E. Kahler (2 works), W. Kandinsky (3 works), A. Macke (3 works), F. Marc (4 works), G. Münter (6 works), J. B. Niestlé (1 work), and Arnold Schönberg (3 works).

'Wir suchen in dieser kleinen Ausstellung nicht eine präzise und spezielle Form zu propagieren, sondern wir bezwecken in der Verschiedenheit der vertretenen Formen zu zeigen, wie der innere Wunsch der Künstler sich mannigfaltig gestaltet.' (Text from title).

[see Roethel V, IIa, pg. 416].
[16 unnumbered leaves]. 16mo. (148 x 122 mm). Leaf with title recto and imprint verso, two leaves with list of works exhibited listed under contributing artists and thirteen leaves with monochrome reproduction photograph of a painting or other work with printed title and artist beneath; one work of each of the contributors is illustrated save E. Kahler. Original publisher's grey card wrappers with title and vignette in blue by Kandinsky to front cover.