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MSA 1. Mezinárodni soudobá architektura - Internationale Architektur der Gegenwart - L'architecture internationale d'aujourd'hui

Teige, Karel (ed.)

Prague. Odeon. 1929
Volume One of the series Mezinárodní soudobá archtitektura (International Contemporary Architecture) is a wide survey and important document of the experiments and achievements of modern design of the day. The list of contributors include Bauhaus (Hannes Mayer, Gropius, Mies, Breuer, Hilbersheimer), Suprematists (El Lissitzky), Constructivists, (Vesnin, Leonidov, Melnikov, Stam, Oud), Purists (Le Corbusier, Malevich), Futurist-Rationalists (Sartoris) and lone individuals (many) who were key players in the development of international modernism.
Mezinárodni soudobá archtitektura ran to three volumes published between 1929 and 1931.
pp. 176. Small 4to. (235 x 186 mm). Numerous black and white illustrations. Subtitled in four languages (Czech, French, German, Russian) with Czech text throughout. Bound in contemporary blue half morocco.