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Evolucion / Evolution

Hernandez, Miguel

(Paris). L'Art Brut. 1949, febrero
Miguel Hernandez's very scarce Art Brut artist book.

Although the book was published without an explicit limitation, it seems likely that the edition was small; Dubuffet's 'LeR DLa CaNpaNe paR DUBUFe J' published a very short time prior to 'Evolucion' and in a very similar format, was issued in an edition of only 165 copies.

The other books published by 'l'art brut', all at a similar time and in the same vein, were Dubuffet's 'Ler dla canpane', Slavko Kopac's 'Tir à cible' and Jean l'Anselme's 'Histoire de l'Aveugle'.

Miguel Hernandez (1893 - 1957) was a militant pacifist and anarchist who began to draw and paint during his many incarcerations for political dissidence. Not to be confused with the Spanish poet of the same name (who died in 1942), Hernandez fled Spain with his wife for France where both were interned as refugees; separated, his wife was returned to Spain and Hernandez never saw her or the country of his birth again. In Paris, Hernandez continued his militant activities, edited 'España Libre' and was among the first authors or artists to be published by Jean Dubuffet's Compagnie de l'Art Brut founded in 1948. Hernandez's first solo exhibition was held at the Galerie René Drouin in the same year.

'Son oeuvre est habitée par des images de l'Espagne, du monde ouvrier et paysan, inscrites dans des spirales angoissantes, ou des femmes fantomatiques.' (see

This scarce collection is of particular rarity and we can trace copies at the Bibliothèque Nationale de France, the Bayerischer Staatsbibliothek and Yale only; at auction we can locate only André Breton's copy with a presentation from Hernandez (part of lot 638) sold by Calmels Cohen in 2003.
[16 leaves]. 8vo. (190 x 137 mm). Leaf with printed title recto and first poem 'Dibujo Numero Uno' verso, the following recto with original linocut and 14 further 'Dibujo' poems each with facing original monochrome linocut, final verso blank. Printed text in double columns in Spanish and French throughout, the 'Bibujo' poems numbered 1 - 15 and 'Uno' to 'Quince'; sheet size: 185 x 135 mm. Stapled as issued in original salmon pink paper wrappers, front cover with linocut illustration and title.

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