Sims Reed Rare Books×

Christian Boltanski: Reconstitution


London. Whitechapel Art Gallery. 1990
A complete copy of the catalogue for Boltanski's 1990 Whitechapel exhibition.

In addition to the contents as issued there is an official Whitechapel Art Gallery monochrome publicity photograph of Boltanski's large scale installation 'Whitechapel Reserves' (222 x 254 mm).

The catalogue was issued as a boxed collection of catalogues, books, postcards, facsimiles and posters published in conjunction with the Van Abbemuseum, and at the Musée de Grenoble.

Contents of the box are as follows:

Three soft cover catalogues:
Christian Boltanski: Reconstitution exhibition catalogue, with essay by Lynn Gumpert, 40 pp., with numerous colour and black and white illustrations.
Christian Boltanski 1944-90 catalogue of works, exhibitions and bibliography, 36 pp., with numerous black and white illustrations.
Christian Boltanski: an Interview with Georgia Marsh, 48 pp., with five black and white illustrations.

Five reprints of soft cover artist's books:
Reconstitution des gestes effectués par Christian Boltanski entre 1948 et 1954, 28 pp., with 7 black and white plates.
10 Portraits photographiques de Christian Boltanski 1946-1964, 24 pp., with 10 black and white plates.
Recherche et presentation de tout ce qui reste de mon enfance, 16 pp., with 8 black and white plates.
Inventaire des objets ayant appartenu a une femme des Bois-Colombes, 92 pp., with numerous black and white illustrations.
Saynetes Comiques, 32 pp., with 22 black and white illustrations.

Two facsimile letters:
Lettre de demande d'aide;
Lettre aux conservateurs de Musee proposant le projet des inventaires.

Photocopied flyer:
Christian Boltanski a l'honneuer de vous faire ses offres de service.

Exhibition invitation:
Dispersion a l'amiable.

Two monochrome photographic cards:
Christian Boltanski a 5 ans 3 mois de distance;
Christian Boltanski et ses freres.

Three colour postcards:
Image modèle (La régate), 1975;
Composition decorative, 1976;
Affiche, 1974.

Colour poster:
L'Ange d'alliance,1986.
4to. (315 x 265 mm). Printed ephemeral material as issued (see below). Loose as issued in original card box with label with titles to front cover and contents to interior of lid.