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La Bête Noire

Broodthaers, Marcel

Brussels. Imprimerie René De Keersmaeker. 1961
A good copy of La Bête Noire conforming to the édition de tête and inscribed to 'Le Requin' Gustave Van Geluwe.

From the edition limited to 720 numbered copies, this example with a presentation from Broodthaers to the first leaf and inscribed 'H. C.', conforming to the édition de tête of 20 large paper copies on Arches.

Broodthaers' presentation, an early one given that the achevé d'imprimer indicates the book was printed in 1961 'sous le signe de Taureau', i.e. between April 20th and May 20th, is in sepia ink to the first leaf: 'A Gustave Van Geluwe / Le Requin. / Mes Amitiés, / M. Broodthaers / 28 avril 61.'

As with many Broodthaers inscriptions, his presentation makes reference to the contents of the book, in this case designating Gustave Van Geluwe as 'Le Requin'. In his text Broothaers describes the 'Requin' (shark) as follows: 'LE REQUIN / Dos noir. Ventre jaune. Tête rouge. - Il mange les cusiniers et boit l'écume de la mer.'

'La Bête Noire' is Broodthaers' first artist book, with the artist's gnomic and ludic text accompanied by five monochrome woodcuts by Jan Sanders (including the cover); Sanders was also responsible for the mise en page. The present copy includes the penultimate leaf in duplicate, a fact which one feels would have amused Broodthaers.

Gustave Van Geluwe (1883 - 1962) was the owner of a Belgian fashion house and an important collector of art, principally that produced by Belgian artists in the early years of the twentieth-century. Broodthaers' career was supported by Van Geluwe from the outset.

[Jamar 28; Ceuleers 29; Werner 3; Die Sammlung Marzona in der Kunstbibliothek pg.100].
[9 unnumbered leaves]. Oblong 12mo. (154 x 286 mm). Leaf with title, monochrome woodcut and Broodthaers' presentation recto and justification and 'Du Même Auteur' verso, seven leaves with Broodthaers' text recto and verso illustrated with three monochrome woodcuts by Sanders, final leaf with monochrome woodcut by Sanders recto and achevé d'imprimer and publisher's credit verso; in the present copy, the penultimate leaf with a woodcut by Sanders and the text 'LA BETE BLANCHE' recto and 'ANIMAL DOMESTIQUE' verso is duplicated. Original publisher's red printed wrappers with titles in black and monochrome woodcut to front cover, later protective black solander box with leather label with gilt title to spine.

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