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Le Dimanche d'un bon bourgeois, ou les Tribulations de la petite propriété par Isidore Granville [sic]


Paris. A l'établissement lithographique de Langlumé et Cie. 1826 / 1827
The first edition, first issue of the first of Grandville's famous series of caricatures.

Inspired by English caricatures and caricaturists, Grandville mocks the domestic and social lives of the Parisian bourgeoisie. In this series of prints he depicts the adventures and misadventures of a family with two children accompanied by a servant and their dog. The story starts with their rising at 7 in the morning with the plates delineating the stations of the day until their return at midnight. Everything that can go wrong goes wrong: horses go wild, the picnic is interrupted by storms, the children run riot while the father drinks, provokes a scene and is escorted 'chez le Maire', the family returns to Paris on foot and in the rain, they lose their keys, and so on.

As per Rebeyrat, ten of the plates feature additional numbers at upper right in the first state; these additional numbers were removed for later issues of the plates.

This copy includes, loosely inserted, an additional proof, uncoloured on white wove paper and mounted to a larger sheet of laid paper (the backing sheet is foxed considerably) for '9e. Tribulation: 7 heures du soir. / Conduite chez le Maire'. The proof is annotated beneath with the title in pencil, and verso in a different hand.

'La plupart des bibliographes donnent pour première suite lithographiée 'Chaque âge à ses plaisirs'. Annie Renonciat fait cependant observer que 'Le Dimanche d'un bon bourgeois' entre au dépôt légal de décembre 1826 à janvier 1827. 'Chaque age' ne sera déposé qu'en deecembre 1827.' (Benoît Forgeot).

[Rebeyrat 291; SR / BF 3; Rahir 447].
[13 leaves + inserted leaf]. Oblong small folio. (252 x 335 mm). Leaf with printed title / wrapper and twelve monochrome lithographs on cream wove paper with printed caption / title beneath and numbered at upper right, each with additional colouring by hand; with an additional proof of 'Tribulation 9' (see below). Sheet size: c. 246 x 330 mm). Contemporary calf-backed marbled boards, paper label to front board with manuscript title: 'Caricatures. / Le Dimanche d'un Bon Bourgeois ... / par Isidore Granville [sic] / a Paris', pale blue endpapers, original printed wrapper on purple paper retained as title.