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Un Autre Monde: Transformations, visions, incarnations, ascensions, locomotions, explorations, peregrinations ... &c

Grandville. Delord, Taxile

Paris. H. Fournier, Libraire-Editeur. 1844
Grandville's finest book and magnum opus, an extraordinary imaginative tour de force in the original publisher's polychromatic binding.

'Un nouveau monde est né; que Grandville soit loué.' (Max Ernst).

Grandville's most remarkable book, an expansive flight of inspirational fantasy, and a remarkable precursor. It is clear that the influence of this work extends onward in the nineteenth and well into the twentieth centuries and beyond. A remarkable work of sui generis imaginative verve, Grandville produced the illustration which was then 'illustrated' with a commissioned text. The tale of three demi-gods, 'Dr. Puff', 'Dr. Krackq', and 'Dr. Hahblle', their created worlds and travels. The work, a descendant of the works of Swift and Goya, inspired, in passing, Lewis Carroll ('La Battaille des Cartes'), Max Ernst, the Surrealists in general as well as later caricaturists such as Steadman and Scarfe.

'In this remarkable book, of the boldest possible originality, Grandville dared to reveal his dream to the public.' (Ray).

The full title - which gives a good indication of the enormously broad scope of the work - reads as follows: 'Un Autre Monde: Transformations, visions, incarnations, ascensions, locomotions, explorations, pérégrinations, excursions, stations, cosmogonies, fantasmagories, rêveries, folâtreries, facéties, lubies, métamorphoses, zoomorphoses, lithomorphoses, métempsycoses, apothéoses et autre choses.'

This copy, with the ownership signature to the front free endpaper of 'Comtesse d'Auteroche' in purple ink, features an additional note in pencil 'Dessin original ajouté'; a pencil note to verso states: 'retiré d'un autre / monde de Grandville'. The 'dessin original' is tipped-i,n to the recto of the frontispiece, and depicts the caricature portraits of seven figures, among them seemingly Daumier, and Grandville. This appears to be an unused illustration for the 'Les Grands et les Petits' section of the book.

[Ray 196; SR / BF 76 / 77; Carteret III, 285; Rebeyrat 287].
pp. (ii), (i), (i), 295, (i). Large 8vo. (266 x 200 mm). Half-title in red with pseudo-privilège verso (also in red), leaf with frontispiece verso, printed title in red and printed text illustrated with 36 hors-texte wood-engraved plates all with additional colouring by hand and 146 wood-engravings in the text, final two leaves with 'Table', 'Explication' and 'Errata' verso. Original publisher's midnight blue percaline with elaborate polychromatic decoration, front board with large central pictorial vignette reproducing the frontispiece with additional colour in red, white, green and blue (signed Liebherre), beneath an additional title vignette heightened in blue, gilt pictorial vignette to rear board, titles and elaborate gilt decoration heightened with colour to spine, additional decoration in blind, yellow glazed endpapers, a.e.g.