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Les Fleurs Animées, par J. -J. Grandville

Grandville. Delord, Taxile & Alphonse Karr, (Intro.)

Paris. Gabriel de Gonet, Editeur. 1847
The first issue of the first edition of Grandville's 'Les Fleurs Animées' in an extraordinary polychromatic binding, the rarest of those issued by the publisher.

'After 'Un Autre Monde' the fifty-two coloured engravings of 'Les Fleurs Animées' are the chief example of Grandville's efforts to penetrate to the meaning objects like an 'intellectual miner' ... Though the images in the book are of Grandville's time, his manner of proceeding is that of an artist of the modern movement, exploring the same subject through a sequence of slight but significant variations ... A little world is created, governed by its own laws ... full of significance for Grandville and hence ... the reader ... '. (Gordon Ray).

The beautiful polychromatic binding for the present work designed by Haarhaus (the front board features his signature) is a very scarce example of the most impressive of those issued by the publisher. While the binding bears similarities to others, notably two examples of 'L'Été à Bade' and another of 'Femmes de la Bible', we can trace no examples of the present binding.

'Les cartonnages et surtout les reliures de l'editeur ... sont à rechercher.' (Carteret).

[SR / BF 93 / 94 / 95; Ray 198; Rebeyrat 287; Carteret 286; see Sophie Malavieille's 'Reliures et Cartonnages d'Editeur en France au XIXe Siècle'].
pp. (ii), 262; (ii). (i), (i), 263 - 364; iv, 62, (i); iv, 65 - 132. 2 vols. Large 8vo. (274 x 192 mm). Half-titles with printer's credit verso, elaborate engraved pictorial titles with additional colouring by hand and printed titles to each vol., printed text and 50 engraved plates all with additional colour by hand; the two parts of the supplement 'Botanique et Horticulture des Dames' with introduction by Karr and text by 'le Comte Foelix' with the two additional uncoloured engraved plates are also present. Original publisher's full scarlet calf, boards with central outline vignettes in gilt against blue panels, 'Le Dahlia' (page 270) for front boards signed Haarhaus, 'Le Lin' (page 237) for the rear, panels surrounded with highly decorative floral and foliate tooling in gilt, corners and sides with tooled gilt sections against green panels, smooth spines with gilt titles and elaborate decorative tooling in gilt with highlights against green and blue panels, cream glazed endpapers, a.e.g.