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Un Autre Monde: Transformations, visions, incarnations, ascensions, locomotions, explorations, peregrinations ... &c

Grandville. Delord, Taxile

Paris. Les Libraires Associés. 1963
The facsimile of Grandville's finest book and magnum opus with Max Ernst's frontispiece.

From the edition limited to 3,500 stamp-numbered copies on offset blanc; 150 hors commerce exemplaires de collaborateurs were also issued.

Grandville's most remarkable book, an expansive flight of inspirational fantasy, and a remarkable precursor. It is clear that the influence of this work extends onward in the nineteenth and well into the twentieth centuries and beyond. A remarkable work of sui generis imaginative verve, Grandville produced the illustration which was then 'illustrated' with a commissioned text. The tale of three demi-gods, 'Dr. Puff', 'Dr. Krackq', and 'Dr. Hahblle', their created worlds and travels. The work, a descendant of the works of Swift and Goya, inspired, in passing, Lewis Carroll ('La Battaille des Cartes'), Max Ernst, the Surrealists in general as well as later caricaturists such as Steadman and Scarfe.

The front cover of this facsimile is a reproduction of the rear cover of the original wrapper of the original edition, while the pictorial title is a reproduction of the front wrapper. Max Ernst's frontispiece is inscribed beneath: 'Un nouveau monde est né; que GRANVILLE [sic] soit loué - max ernst'. The introduction by Pierre Restany is titled 'Grandville, Un Précurseur de l'Esprit Baroque Moderne' and is followed by a chronology of Grandville's short life and a portrait.

'In this remarkable book, of the boldest possible originality, Grandville dared to reveal his dream to the public.' (Ray).

The full title - which gives a good indication of the enormously broad scope of the work - reads as follows: 'Un Autre Monde: Transformations, visions, incarnations, ascensions, locomotions, explorations, pérégrinations, excursions, stations, cosmogonies, fantasmagories, rêveries, folâtreries, facéties, lubies, métamorphoses, zoomorphoses, lithomorphoses, métempsycoses, apothéoses et autre choses.'

[Ray 196; SR / BF 76 / 77; Carteret III, 285; Rebeyrat 287].
pp. (ii), (i), (i), 295, (i). Large 8vo. (262 x 194 mm). Pictorial title, printed title, leaf of cream paper with lithograph reproduction of Max Ernst's drawing recto, 6 leaves with Pierre Restany's introduction with two monochrome plates and biographical timeline, portrait of Grandville and facsimile of the first edition: Half-title in red with pseudo-privilège verso (also in red), leaf with frontispiece verso, printed title in red and printed text illustrated with 36 hors-texte wood-engraved plates all with additional colouring by hand and 146 wood-engravings in the text, two leaves with 'Table', 'Explication' and 'Errata' verso, final leaf with achevé d'imprimer and justification. Original publisher's white cloth with printed illustration by Grandville to front and rear covers and spine with printed titles in red, green blue and yellow to front and rear covers and spine, green silk placemarker.

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