Sims Reed Rare Books×

Visions de Danse

Lobel-riche, Alméry. Billy, André

Paris. Chez l'Auteur. 1949
A very good copy with additional original drawings, suites and two of the original printing plates.

From the edition limited to 210 numbered copies, with this one of 10 numbered in Roman numerals 'destinés aux collaborateurs'; also included is a large amount of additional material.

Included is the following material:

1. The 30 dry-point engravings as published in the book.
2. A suite of the 30 dry-point engravings printed in bistre with remarques.
3. A suite of the 30 dry-point engravings printed in black with remarques.
4. A series of 6 original drawing for the work by Lobel-Riche (1 double sided), all initialled or signed by the artist.
5. Two of the original engraved printing plates for the book.
Small folio. (338 x 262 mm). Half-title with justification verso, dry-point engraving as frontispiece, title in blue and black with engraved vignette and Billy's text illustrated throughout with a total of 30 dry-point engravings by Lobel-Riche, final leaf with achevé d'imprimer. Loose as issued in original publisher's printed wrappers with titles in blue and black to front wrapper with vignette, suite loose in separate paper wrapper with flaps, scarlet velour-lined white patterned board chemise with paper label with printed titles to spine and matching slipcase.

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