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Mat'. (The Mother)

Liubavina, Nadezhda Ivanova. Dubnova, Sofiya

Petrograd. Segodnia. 1918
An enchanting children's book by the Segodnia group, with hand-coloured linoleum cut illustrations.

From the edition limited to 1,000 copies, with this one of 125 hand-coloured copies, numbered in green ink to the inside cover.

The publisher of the present work, Segodnia ('Today'), was the first avant-garde publisher of children's books. The illustrator of 'Mat'', Nadezhda Liubavina, latterly became a member of the group after involvement with the Union of Youth.

The previous owner's stamp is printed to the inner front wrapper verso and the final leaf of text.Bookseller's stamp and price to rear cover.

This copy is in very good condition.

[Not in Rowell and Wye].
[2 bifolia: 4 unnumbered leaves; inner wrappers and initial and final leaves printed with letterpress text recto and verso, linocut illustrations with additional watercolour]. 8vo. (200 x 150 mm). Full-page linoleum cut cover illustration with additional colouring by hand and 6 linoleum cut vignettes also coloured by hand by Liubavina. Original publisher's stapled paper wrappers, woodcut titles in black with hand coloured illustration by Liubavina, publisher's logo by Vera Ermolaeva to rear wrapper..

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