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Pornofotos. (Pornographic Photographs)

Feldmann, Hans-Peter

Hilden, Germany. (By the artist). 1975
The complete series of Feldmann's very scarce 'Pornofotos'.

From the edition limited to 50 copies (see 'Das Museum im Kopf'); other sources suggest as few as 15 examples.

These 12 original photographs, the red / orange colour palette dating them immediately to the 1970s, depict Feldmann with two women in explicit sexual scenarios. The majority of images depict the protagonists intent and distracted, however two feature some or all of them engaging the camera directly and in one all sport broad grins. The action is staged deliberately, the intention for distribution clear, and Feldmann mailed a number of examples to friends and colleagues in the art world. As a series, the photographs make reference to Feldmann's 'Bilder' books but also the 'lettre ouverte' formula used by Feldmann himself (he sent fictitious letters to fictitious people) and Marcel Broodthaers.

Feldmann's intention is outlined in the text - written in the form of a letter from Feldmann - in German, Italian, English and French that accompanies the photographs: 'On the enclosed photos I can be seen as a porno-model. The / following considerations led me to those activities and their / publication: I am ashamed to display my sexual practices in / public, and even with overaccentuation for more clarity. Never- / theless I don't feel ashamed over the same sexual practices / within the usual private, not public surroundings. In this / sense I participate with the majority of all fellow beings. / Notwithstanding, there are other things done in public, / where the majority do not feel ashamed, things which are highly / esteemed or at least approved, although these things are really / sickening and there true disgust, should be brought to the fore- front.'

'Pornofotos' is scarce and we can locate a single example, in a private collection in the US. The present photographs have been mounted previously for display and several feature tape to the versos. Two images have suffered small areas of loss - the lost areas remain attached to the versos of other prints - as a result of contact with this tape and three further photos display very minor damage; the retention of the lost areas, however, suggests restoration is possible.

[see Das Museum im Kopf, Katalog / Projekte, pg. 155
Folio. (297 x 210 mm). Leaf of cream wove writing paper with vertical and horizontal folds, Feldmann's name printed at upper left and address and date at upper right, mimeograph typsescript text in German, Italian, English and French recto and verso and 12 original colour photographs (each 88 x 130 mm or the reverse) showing Feldmann engaged in explicit acts with two women. Loose as issued.