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Suite d'Estampes pour Servir à l'Histoire des Moeurs et du Costume des François, dans le Dix-Huitième Siècle. Année, 1774. [&:] Seconde Suite d'Estampes ... &c. Année 1776

Moreau, Jean-Michel, and Freudeberg, S

Paris. De l'Imprimerie de J. Barbou (suite 1); De l'Imprimerie de Prault (suite 2). 1774; 1777
One of the most charming suites of engravings produced during the eighteenth century in France.

The first suite of plates are all engraved after Freudeberg by Romanet, Voyez l'Aine, Lingee, Ingouf, Maleuvre, Duclos, and Bosse. The second suite is engraved after Moreau by Martini, Triere, Helman, Baquoy, Guttenberg, and Delaunay le jeune,

The first suite by Freudeberg bears the initials I.H.E. which are those of the artist's patron, Jean Henri Eberts, the Swiss banker. The second suite by Moreau le jeune continues the style of the first and, in a sense continues the story and its themes.

' ... il faudrait citer, comme des petits chefs-d'oeuvre, presque toutes ses compositions si gracieusement, si élégamment, si savamment executées: c'est son triomphe.' (Cohen-de Ricci 352-353).

The engraving of the first suite are in therare first edition (second state), with the captions against a shaded background.

This is the first edition of the first 2 suites; they were republished some 12 years later with the addition of a third suite.
pp. (ii), 3,12 plates each with leaf of explanatory text; (ii),(4), 12 plates each with leaf of explanatory text. Folio. (502 x 378 mm). Printed title within decorative woodcut border with large woodcut vignette, two leaves with 'Discours Préliminaire' and 12 engraved plates each with leaf of descriptive text (first suite) and printed title within decorative woodcut border with large woodcut vignette, two leaves with 'Discours Préliminaire' (the second verso with 'Approbation' and 'Privilège') and 12 engraved plates each with leaf of descriptive text; sheet size: 491 x 364 mm. Contemporary full French mottled calf, boards ruled in gilt, banded spine with green morocco label with gilt title and toling in seven compartments, turn-ins with decorative roll tool borders, board edges with gilt rules, marbled endpapers, a.e.g.

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