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El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz. Illustrado con 12 grabados al cobre, originales del autor. Prologo de Rafael Alberti

Picasso, Pablo

Barcelona. Ediciones de la Cometa. 1969
Picasso's poetic and pictorial homage to El Greco and Velazquez.

From the edition limited to 263 copies, with this one of 220 examples with 12 original etchings together with an original etched frontispiece signed in pencil by Picasso.

'From 1955 on, the frequent visits of fellow Spaniards re-awakened Picasso's memories of Spain. In 1957, he began to write again in Spanish, and he painted 'Las Meninas' after Velazquez. From January 6, 1957 to August 20, 1959 - the date of each text is meticulously noted - he wrote this dramatic poem and gave it the title of El Greco's masterpiece … Ten years later he suggested to Gustavo Gili, a publisher in Barcelona, that he should publish the piece. To illustrate it, he chose 15 prints done between 1966 and 1967 … The prints depict fleshy women watched by a jealous cupid, a male who is ferocious and ready for violence, circus, theatre, and family scenes, and the painter and his model. To these was added a burin engraving, dated June 9, 1939, in which a text in Spanish, beginning 'Trozo de almíbar' ('bit of sirop') is enclosed by remarques.' (Cramer).

[Cramer 146].
pp. 69; (44). 2 vols. Folio. (470 x 370 mm or the reverse). Frontispiece engraving with burin signed in pencil by Picasso (loose in paper portfolio as issued) and Picasso's printed text illustrated with a further 12 original etchings by Picasso. Loose as issued in original publisher's printed wrappers and cloth-lined parchment-covered box.

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