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Marcel Broodthaers. Fig. 1. (Filmabend / Ausstellung 21. Oktober - 7. November 1971)

Broodthaers, Marcel

Mönchengladbach. Städtisches Museum Mönchengladbach. 1971
A unique inscribed example of Marcel Broodthaers' Mönchengladbach Kassettenpublikation catalogue / multiple, the 'belegexemplar' initialled by Broodthaers and altered through intervention from multiple to unique work.

From the edition limited to 220 copies, each stamp-numbered to the base of the first box, with this copy the 'Belegexemplar' (specimen copy) with 'Belegexemplar' stamped to the base of the first box instead of a number and aside from the edition of 220.

The box 'Fig. 1' with the printed 'Belegexemplar' is also inscribed to the front cover beneath the title: 'C [encircled] RIGHT / MB [i.e. Marcel Broodthaers] left'; while it is tempting to see this copy as the bon à tirer copy inscribed by both Cladders (i.e. 'C[ladders] RIGHT' and Broodthaers, 'Belegexemplar' (specimen copy) has a slightly different meaning and it seems more plausible that this example has been inscribed with a subversive Broodthaersian pun. The encircled 'C' is the copyright symbol '©' with Broodthaers supplying the superfluous 'RIGHT', while beneath Broodthaers includes his initials, also circled, and an even more superfluous 'left'. Copyleft, copyright, Broodthaers-right, Broodthaers-left, MB-right, MB-left, Cladders right, the allusions are resonant.

Broodthaers' Mönchengladbach multiple features four card boxes - the format for all Mönchengladbach Kassettenpublikationen - that fit together like a matrioshka doll. Each of the four card boxes features a printed title to the front and the same text by Johannes Cladders (titled 'Fig. A') to the rear; the first also has the stamped limitation of the edition. The titles, printed in black to each front cover, differ and are from largest to smallest: 'Fig. 1', 'Fig. 2', 'Fig. 0', and 'Fig. 1 2'.

'Fig. A bezeichnet meine Mintarbeit am Text, bevor ich ihn gelesen habe.' (From Cladders' text).

[Rennert / Titz 15; Glasmeier, Michael: Die Bücher der Künstler (Stuttgart, 1994), no. 086; ].
8vo. (208 x 162 x 36 mm). Four empty card boxes, each with printed title to front cover and text to rear (see below). Loose as issued in original card box with title 'Fig. 1' to front cover, text by Cladders and limitation to rear cover and 'BROODTHAERS / STÄDTISCHES MUSEUM / MÖNCHENGLADBACH' in black to side.