Sims Reed Rare Books:

101 Rare Books

101 Rare Books
Fl. Vegetii Renati Viri illustris De...
A sammelband incorporating fine and extensively illustrated editions of the Classical military text of Vegetius with that of the Renaissance theoretician Valturius.
Vegetius & ValturiusFl. Vegetii Renati Viri...1535; 1534
Le Vite de' piu eccellenti Pittori,...
The second edition of Vasari's famous 'Vite' but the first complete edition with much new material and the first to be illustrated.
Vasari, GiorgioLe Vite de' piu...1568
L'Architecture Françoise ou Recueil de Plans,...
An exceptional set of Mariette, from the library of Hippolyte Destailleur, the great collector of architectural and design books whose first library became the foundation of the 'Kunstbibliothek'.
Mariette, JeanL'Architecture Françoise ou Recueil...1727–1738
Recueil des Plans, Elevations et Coupes...
Rare first edition of one of the greatest and most beautiful 18th century books on architecture.
Here De Corny, Emmanuel LéopoldRecueil des Plans, Elevations...1750–1753
A Dictionary of the English Language
The first edition of Samuel Johnson's magnum opus, his great dictionary of the English language.
Johnson, SamuelA Dictionary of the...1755
Nuova Geografia di Ant. Federico Büsching...
An exceptional unsophisticated copy of Büsching's extensive work of geography, entirely uncut and broché in original wrappers.
Busching, Anton FriedrichNuova Geografia di Ant...1773–1782
Détail des Nouveaux Jardins à la...
A complete copy of Le Rouge's expansive and virtually unobtainable publication on gardens in the Anglo-Chinese manner, uncut and retaining all deckle edges.
Le Rouge, (George Louis)Détail des Nouveaux Jardins...1776–1787
Recueil de Griffonis de Vues, Paysages,...
First edition and early issue in contemporary red morocco of Saint-Non's famous compilation.
Saint-non, Jean Claude Richard, Abbé deRecueil de Griffonis de...c.1788
Desseins des Meilleurs Peintres des Païs-Bas,...
First and only edition of Prestel's profoundly ambitious print series reproducing Old Master drawings in original size and with accurate colour.
Prestel, Johann GottliebDesseins des Meilleurs Peintres...1779
Theil I: Bildsaulen und Wasserspiele des...
A large copy of Beyer's rare work on the statuary of Schönbrunn Palace.
Beyer, W[ilhelm]Theil I: Bildsaulen und...1779
Il Museo Pio-Clementino [Together with:] Il...
A complete set of the Museo Pio-Clementina with the additional volume Il Museo Chiaramonti.
Visconti, Giovanni Battista & Ennio QuirinoIl Museo Pio-Clementino [Together...1782–1807
Sketches and Hints on Landscape Gardening...
First edition of Repton's first book on landscape gardening with an original watercolour with overslip of the Duke of Portland's Welbeck Abbey.
Repton, HumphrySketches and Hints on...1794
Los Caprichos
A very fine set of the first edition of Goya's greatest series of engravings, printed before the scratch on plate 45 in warm sepia tones on thick laid paper and bound in contemporary Spanish mottled calf.
Goya, Francisco Jose de Goya y LucientesLos Caprichos1799
Differentes vues de quelques Restes de...
A beautiful copy - bound by Tessier and with the plates in-plano - of the first Paris edition of Piranesi's final and rare work.
Piranesi, Giovanni BattistaDifferentes vues de quelques...c.1800
Saggio Teorico-Pratico Intorno alla Determinazione dell'Ombre...
A large paper copy, likely Rossi-Melocchi's own, of his accomplished work on the technical assessment of shade in architecture and geometry, bound with the original watercolours for the work.
Rossi-melocchi, CosimoSaggio Teorico-Pratico Intorno alla...1805
Disquisitions upon the Painted Greek Vases,...
Privately printed first edition which James Christie had circulated to 'a learned few'; this copy inscribed by Christie on initial blank in sepia ink: 'To / W[ilia]m.
Christie, JamesDisquisitions upon the Painted...1806
Authentic Memoirs of the late George...
This beautiful and rare collection of prints after the work of George Morland was collected by Francis Blagdon and published by Edward Orme.
Morland, George. Blagdon, William FrancisAuthentic Memoirs of the...1806
Oriental Field Sports; Being a Complete,...
First edition, an early issue bound from the parts, with two of the original part wrappers.
Howitt, Samuel. Williamson, Captain ThomasOriental Field Sports; Being...1807
Collection d'Imitations de Dessins d'après les...
Ploos van Amstel's rare and mysterious engravings, from the edition limited to 100 sets published by subscription.
Ploos Van Amstel, C. & Josi, CCollection d'Imitations de Dessins...1821–1828
Illustrations of the Book of Job,...
One of 65 copies of Blake's Illustrations for the Book of Job, the rarest issue on French paper with the word 'Proof'.
BlakeIllustrations of the Book...1825. March 1826