Sims Reed Rare Books×

A Mème la Terre

Dali. Paalen, Alice

Paris. Editions Surréalistes. 1936
Salvador and Gala Dali's copy with a presentation from Alice Paalen.

From the edition limited to 235 copies, with this unopened copy one of 200 on vergé and with a presentation on the half-title from Paalen in black ink: 'à Gala Dalí / à Salvador Dalí / très sympathique hommage / d'Alice Paalen / inattendu comme le / visage du retour'.

Alice Paalen (1904 - 1987), née Rahon, Surrealist poet and painter, married the Austrian Surrealist Wolfgang Paalen in 1930. She participated in Surrealist activities during the early 30s and had a significant liaison with Picasso before the publication of her first collection of poetry in 1936 (A Mème La Terre), the same year that she went to India with fellow poet and Surrealist Valentine Penrose. Further collections followed (Sablier Couché, 1939 and Noir Animal, 1941) before she turned her attention to painting.
[52 leaves; pp. 98, (iv)]. 12mo. (144 x 98 mm). Half-title, printed title and Paalen's verse, leaf with justification and final leaf with achevé d'imprimer. Original publisher's blue-printed wrappers with titles in magenta to front cover.

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