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Herbe à la Lune. Avec une Préface de Paul Eluard

Dali. Penrose, Valentine

Paris. Editions G[uy]. L[évis]. M[ano]. 1935
Salvador Dali's copy with a presentation from Penrose.

From the edition limited to 320 copies, with this unopened copy one of 300 on 'Hélio' and with a presentation from Penrose in blue ink to the half-title: 'à Salvador Dalí / admiratif hommage de / V. Penrose'.

Also included loosely inserted is the errata slip for the publication.

Valentine Penrose (1898 - 1988), née Marcelle Bouée, was the glamorous wife of the English Surrealist poet, painter and photographer Roland Penrose. Muse to the Surrealists, model for Man Ray, Valentine Penrose also appeared in Bunuel's L'Age d'Or as a spirit. Profoundly influenced by Eastern spiritual thought, Penrose was also a talented poet and collagist. This, her first collection, was followed in 1937 by Sorts de la Lueur and Poèmes and in 1951 by Dons des Féminines, also with a preface by Eluard. In 1936 she left her husband to live on an ashram in India with fellow poet and Surrealist Alice Paalen.
[38 leaves + inserted leaf with errata; pp. 73, (i)]. 8vo. (189 x 142 mm). Half-title, printed title, leaf with Eluard's preface recto and Penrose's verse, final leaf with achevé d'imprimer and justification; the errata leaf is also included, loosely inserted. Original publisher's cream printed wrappers with titles in black to front cover.

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