Sims Reed Rare Books
Établissements Nicolas. Maison fondée en 1822. Liste des Grands Vins fins 1934
Montrouge. Draeger. 1933
pp. 30. 8vo. Illustrations throughout with colour woodcuts by Alfred Latour. Original ring-bound illustrated wrappers.
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Établissements Nicolas. Maison fondée...
An exceptional recueil of Nicolas Ponce's graphic oeuvre, likely constituted by the artist himself, and an important monument to the history of French engraving in the eighteenth century.
Ponce, Nicolas
The Engraved Works of...
A very good unsophisticated copy of 'La Belle-Enfant ou l'Amour à Quarante Ans' with Raoul Dufy's illustrations for Eugène Montfort's text.
Dufy, Raoul. Montfort, Eugène
La Belle-Enfant ou l'Amour...
André Derain's superb woodcuts - the only colour illustrations he made for a book - for François Rabelais' 'Pantagruel'.
Derain, André. Nasier, Alcofrybas (Pseud. of François Rabelais)
Pantagruel. Les Horribles et...
The suite 'à part' of Decaris' etchings for Ronsard's 'Discours des MIsères de Ce Temps'.
Decaris. Ronsard, Pierre de
Discours des Misères de...
The unique nominatif copy on papier Impérial du Japon printed for the publisher Camille Bloch with all of Laboureur's original drawings for the book and a wealth of additional material.
Laboureur, Jean-Emile. Gourmont, Remy de
Couleurs. Contes avec des...
Picasso's collaboration with Ambroise Vollard, his illustrations for Balzac's protean novella.
Picasso, Pablo. Balzac, Honoré de
Le Chef-d'Oeuvre Inconnu
From the edition limited to 575 copies (including five hors commerce), with this one of 500 on papier rose, vergé, à la forme.
Laboureur. Allard, Roger
L'Appartement des Jeunes Filles
Fernand Léger's 'La Fin du Monde.
Léger, Fernand. Cendrars, Blaise
La Fin du Monde...
A very good copy with additional original drawings, suites and two of the original printing plates.
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