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Tvorba. Tydeník pro literaturu, politiku a umení

Tvorba. Fucík, Julius & Kurt Konrad & Josef Rybák (eds.)

Prague. R. Rejman. 1927, 1931, 1933, 1934 & 1935
This set of Tvorba magazine consists of the following:Vol. 2 (complete 1927), Vol. 6 (complete 1931), Vol. 9 (complete 1934), bound in three volumes.As well as three individual numbers, nos 17 & 23 (1933) and no. 6 (1935).

Texts by Karel Teige, Otti Pick, Konstantin Biebl, Karl Marx and others.
Covers and typography mainly by Karel Teige.
pp. 301; 824, 516. 4to. and 8vo. Three bound volumes + 3 individual issues. Cloth bindings.