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Les Pantins de Paris. 134 Illustrations de J.-L. Forain

Forain, Jean-Louis. Coquiot, Gustave

Paris. Auguste Blaizot. 1920
A good copy of Jean-Louis Forain's collaboration with Gustave Coquiuot: 'Les Pantins de Paris'.

From the edition limited to 250 copies, with this one of 200 on vélin d'Arches.

Loosely inserted is a contemporary photograph of various artists in a restaurant - Forain, Willette, Poulbot and others are present - together with the invitation to the funeral of Forain; Forain died in July 1931.
pp. 160, (1). Small folio. (303 x 220 mm). Half-title with justification verso, printed title in purple and black (matching the wrapper) and Coquiot's text illustrated with 134 black and white and colour illustrations by Jean-Louis Forain. Contemporary burgundy crushed morocco-backed marbled boards, elaborate decorative tooling and title gilt to banded spine in six compartments, marbled endpapers, original printed wrappers with titles to front cover and spine in black and purple preserved, t.e.g.

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