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118 show. [Invitation card]


London / 118 New Bond Street. Kasmin Gallery. 1965
An extremely scarce and notorious Kasmin Gallery exhibition invitation.

This purely typographic invitation – conceived by Kasmin himself in collaboration with graphic designer Gordon House – caused considerable controversy among the art dealers whose name had been crossed out on the invitation (namely, every gallery other than Kasmin's). The list of names together with the artists listed in the exhibition (at right) make this an important record of the London art scene in the 1960s.

Those dealers and museums comprise: AIA, Book Street, Cane Kalman, Drian, Gimpel Fils, Grabowski, Grosvenor, Hamilton, Hanover, ICA, Lefevre, Leicester, Malborough Fine Art, Malborough New London, McRoberts & Tunnard, Mercury, Molton, New Art Centre, O'Hana, Piccadilly, Portal, Redfern, Robert Fraser, Roland Browse & Delbanco, Rowan, Tate, Tooth's, USIS, Waddington and Whitechapel.

The '118 show' (named after the gallery's premises on 118 new Bond St) exhibited 'Paintings/Shapes/Sculpture/Drawings/Etchings/Lithographs/Serigraphs/Sounds' by Ayres, Avedisian, W Darby Bnnard, Caro, Castellani, Chamberlain, B Cohen, Denny, Dzubas, Feeley, Frankenthaler, Gottlieb, Hockney, House, Howlin, Kelly, Latham, Louis, Newman, Noland, Olitski, Parker, R Smith, Stadler, Stella, Tippet and Zox.

It ran from 12 August–18 September 1965.

Another exhibition named '118 show' was held in 1967, and exhibited Indian miniature paintings (17–19th century) alongside contemporary British and American artists.
Single sheet of card, (210 x 148 mm). Text in black with red printed lines.