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La Céramique dans l'Art Musulman ... Avec une Préface de Gaston Migeon

Riviere, Henri

Paris. Emile Lévy, Editeur / Librairie Centrale des Beaux-Arts. 1913
An excellent copy of Henri Rivière's superb work on Islamic ceramics with outstanding plates printed in lavish colour.

From the edition limited to 200 numbered copies on vélin d'Arches.

An exeptional corpus of illustrations of 100 of the finest examples of Islamic ceramics taken largely from major private collections. The collections, including those of Jacques Doucet, Raymond Koechlin, Harold Du Cane Godman, F. R. Martin, Dr. Fouquet, Dikran Kelekian, Adolphe Stoclet, Henri d'Allemagne, Léonce Rosenberg, various museums (the South Kensington museum, Louvre, Hermitage, the Alhambra &c.) and other collections, give an idea of the scope and high quality of the ceramics chosen and elucidated. Rivière, known also for his colour lithograph works on the Eiffel Tower and his association with Japonisme, chose the present examples for artistic rather than documentary reasons. His 'La Céramique dans l'Art Musulman' remains one of the most beautifully produced works, a highpoint of design, on any subject, with meticulous printing accompanied by detailed scholarship.

Vol. I includes examples of ceramics (vases, fragments, plaques, cups, bottles &c.) from Egypt, Syria, Mesopotamia and Iran; vol. II continues with Iran, Asia Minor, Rhodes and Spain.

The present copy, in excellent condition, demonstrates the beauty of the pictorial cloth portfolios with Islamic decorative patterning to the exterior, patterned paper pastedowns with a beautiful turquoise calligraphic design to the interior, and retains the decorative paper-covered board slipcase; slight browning to the title leaves - offsetting from the pastedowns - does not mar the beauty of the book.

'En composant ce recueil, l'auteur n'a pas eu la prétention d'en faire un ouvrage didactique: c'est le seul point de vue artistique qui l'a séduit, point de vue souvent négligé dans les ouvrages spéciaux où les reproductions sont données surtout à titre documentaire.' (Rivière, 'Au Lecteur').
pp. (vi), 12; (iv). 2 vols. Folio. (488 x 410 mm). Half-title and printed title in colour to each vol., leaf with Rivière's 'Au Lecteur' with colour head-piece, Migeon's preface with 9 tipped-in colour vignettes (in vol. I), list of plates to each vol., bibliography and 100 colour plates (50 per volume) each mounted to a sheet of card and numbered 1 - 100, each accompanied by a leaf of text with description, attribution and provenance. Loose as issued in original publisher's printed cloth portfolios, titles and elaborate Islamic colour decoration to boards, printed pastedowns with Islamic geometric motif in turquoise, paper board slipcases with differing Islamic geometric colour motif.

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