Eclairez Votre Religion - Aux Enfants Rouges
Adam, Georges. Aragon Louis
Paris. Bureau d'Editions et de Diffusion. 1932
André Breton's copy of this very scarce plaquette destined for the children of workers and noted for its virulent 'anticlérical, anticapitaliste, anticolonialiste, antipatriotique' sentiments.
This rare pamphlet by Louis Aragon was intended for the children of the exploited masses and as noted by Pierre Juquin was 'anticlérical, anticapitaliste, anticolonialiste, antipatriotique'.
Aragon had thrown himself into anti-clericalism after his break with Surrealism and wrote the verses, accompanied by Adam's caricatures, in Russia. The pamphlet was printed on the presses of 'L'Imprimerie Centrale'.
'Pour faire oublier la Commune, / Le Sacré-Coeur a vu le jour. / Un beau soir, il aura son tour, / Ce gâteau blanc comme lune!' (From the text).
Also included, inserted loose, is André Breton's membership card (filled out in his own hand in black ink giving his address in rue Fontaine and signed beneath) for the 'Union Fédérale des Libres-Penseurs Revolutionnaires de France'. A bifolium of blue card, the front cover features the vignette of the 'Union' which matches the vignette for Aragon's plaquette. The membership card features Marx's famous slogan 'La Religion c'est l'opium du Peuple!' and a quotation from Lenin as well as fifteen stamps of the Union (indicating membership? or attendance at meetings?), nine dated '1932' and three dated '1931' and inscribed 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre'.
Aragon's plaquette is scarce: we locate copies at the Bibliothèque Nationale in France, the Bibliothèque Génève in Switzerland as well as copies at Syracuse, Duke, Yale, Bowdoin and the University of California in the US.
This rare pamphlet by Louis Aragon was intended for the children of the exploited masses and as noted by Pierre Juquin was 'anticlérical, anticapitaliste, anticolonialiste, antipatriotique'.
Aragon had thrown himself into anti-clericalism after his break with Surrealism and wrote the verses, accompanied by Adam's caricatures, in Russia. The pamphlet was printed on the presses of 'L'Imprimerie Centrale'.
'Pour faire oublier la Commune, / Le Sacré-Coeur a vu le jour. / Un beau soir, il aura son tour, / Ce gâteau blanc comme lune!' (From the text).
Also included, inserted loose, is André Breton's membership card (filled out in his own hand in black ink giving his address in rue Fontaine and signed beneath) for the 'Union Fédérale des Libres-Penseurs Revolutionnaires de France'. A bifolium of blue card, the front cover features the vignette of the 'Union' which matches the vignette for Aragon's plaquette. The membership card features Marx's famous slogan 'La Religion c'est l'opium du Peuple!' and a quotation from Lenin as well as fifteen stamps of the Union (indicating membership? or attendance at meetings?), nine dated '1932' and three dated '1931' and inscribed 'Octobre', 'Novembre', 'Décembre'.
Aragon's plaquette is scarce: we locate copies at the Bibliothèque Nationale in France, the Bibliothèque Génève in Switzerland as well as copies at Syracuse, Duke, Yale, Bowdoin and the University of California in the US.
[10 unnumbered leaves]. Small 4to. (230 x 184 mm). Leaf with title, eight leaves with caricature vignettes by Georges Adam and verse by Aragon recto only (two per page), final leaf with achevé d'imprimer. Original publisher's tan printed wrappers, stapled as issued, titles and illustration in black to front cover, advertisements to rear.