Rare Books, Prints & Manuscripts
×P. Ovidii Nasonis Heroides...1525
The Praise of Folie...1549
Paradisi In Sole Paradisus...1629
The Hierarchie of the...1635
The Works of Publius...1654
The Lusiad, or, Purtugals...1655
Opere Varie di Architettura,...1750. c.1761
Le Antichità Romane1756. 1757
Le Moine, Traduit de...1797. An V
Liber Studiorum1812 1807–1819
CARICATURE, LA. Journal Fondé...1830 4 Nov–1835 27 Août
Coranus Arabice. Recensionis Flügelianae...1837
Photographs of New South...c.1884
The Century Guild Hobby...1884; 1886–1894
The Works of Geoffrey...1896
The Works of Charles...1906–1908
Der Blaue Reiter. Die...1911
La Prose du Transsibérien,...1913
La Première Aventure Céléste...1916, 20th July
Vingt-Cinq Poèmes - Dix...1918, le vingt juin