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Analogon 1. Surrealismus - Psychoanalysa - Strukturalismus. Krise vedomi

Breton. Effenberger, Vratislav

Prague. Ceskoslovensky spisovatel. 1969
First issue of the scarce Czech Surrealist magazine 'Analogon,' devoted to art, literature and culture.

Analogon 1 includes artistic contributions by René Magritte, Jaroslav Hrstka, Toyen, Enrico Baj, Matta, Jorge Camacho and Oyvind Fahlstrom. Literary contributions include André Breton, Benjamin Péret, Ivan Svitak, Petr Krai and Robert Desnos.

[Le Fonds Paul Destribats 743].
pp. 96, xvi. 4to. (210 x 275 mm). Monochrome illustrations throughout. Original publisher's orange wrappers.

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