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Vers le Blanc Infini. Poèmes et Gravures

Arp, Hans

Lausanne / Paris. La Rose des Vents. 1960
An excellent copy of Arp's artist book.

From the edition limited to 600 copies, with this one of 100 nominatif examples - printed for M. Henry Descours - on papier vélin Richard-de-Bas with the additional suite of etchings with additional grey stencil.

Also included, inserted loose, are the original prospectus for the book, a folded bifolium with specimen text and the vignette of 'La Rose des Vents', together with the original order form on glossy paper.

'Toward the end of his life Arp published two livres d'artiste, 'Vers le blanc infini' and 'Le Soleil recerclé' ; the great care that was taken in the publication of the two books, including in their typography and engraving, seems to invalidate Arp's claim that his creations were highly spontaneous and that he disregarded esthetics.' (Renée Riese Hubert).

[Arntz 405 - 412; Bleikasten Ab100; see Hubert, Surrealism and the Book, pg. 85].
[34 unnumbered leaves including suite]. Folio. (382 x 288 mm). Half-title, title, leaf with vignette in black (matching that for the chemise) and colophon with Arp's signature and Arp's verse illustrated with 8 original etchings, final leaf with achevé d'imprimer and justification; alos included is the additional suite of etchings 'barrés' with grey stencil. Loose as issued in original white paper wrappers and original vellum-backed grey board chemise with gilt title to spine and circular vignette in gilt to front cover, matching slipcase.

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