Sims Reed Rare Books×

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Twelve Illustrations with original woodcuts and an original etching by Salvador Dalí

Dali, Salvador. Carroll, Lewis

New York. Maecenas Press - Random House. 1969
The deluxe edition with the additional suite of Salvador Dali's illustrations for Lewis Carroll's proto-Surrealist masterpiece.

From the edition de luxe limited to 200 signed and numbered copies on vélin de Rives with the additional suite of all the plates on Japon Nacré including the frontispiece etching which is signed in pencil by Dali; the full edition was 2,500 copies on Mandeure paper.

This copy is numbered from the edition of 200 (Roman numbering CC). The number is LX (no.70)

[Michler & Löpsinger 321 - 333].
[41 bifolia + 13 bifolia (suite); pp. 150, (i), (i)]. Folio. (430 x 285 mm). Carroll's text illustrated with an original frontispiece etching signed and numbered by Dali in pencil and twelve colour woodcut plates' this copy with the additional suite on Japon Nacré. Loose as issued in original publisher's black cloth silk portfolios each with Dali to covers, loose in original carrot morocco box with ties (the ties lacking as usual).

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