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Rétrospective Jean Dubuffet. 16 Décembre 1960 - 25 Février 1961

Dubuffet, Jean

Paris. L'Imprimerie Tournon ... Musée des Arts Décoratifs. 1960
An excellent copy of the scarce catalogue for Jean Dubuffet's major 1960 retrospective exhibition at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs.

This beautiful and extensive catalogue was designed by Jacques Roblin and edited by Pierre Mathey. Divided into three sections, 'Documentation', 'Mémoire sur le Développement de Mes Travaux à Partir de 1952' and 'Catalogue', it provides details and descriptions of Dubuffet's life, early work, writings and theoretical works, prints, illustrated books, exhibitions, an annual bibliography and a large body of illustration of Dubuffet and his work. At the core of the catalogue and printed on green paper is the artist's 'Mémoire'; the catalogue of the work displayed follows, divided into 'Peintures', 'Gouaches et Dessins', 'Lithographies', and 'Sculptures' before the section 'Planches en Noir' reproducing 180 items in monochrome. The catalogue concludes with the 'Table', photographic credits and so on.
Oblong 8vo. (156 x 210 mm). Monochrome reproduction portrait photograph of Dubuffet on glossy paper as frontispiece, half-title, printed title with copyright verso, preliminary matter and the three sections 'Documentation', 'Mémoire sur le Développement de Mes Travaux à Partir de 1952' and 'Catalogue' illustrated with 90 leaves of plates on glossy paper including 11 in colour, the majority recto and verso, 'Table' and so on and final leaf with achevé d'imprimer; printed text on various different paper stocks in French throughout. Original publisher's printed wrappers reproducing a monochrome work by Dubuffet in 'phototypie' over front and rear covers and spine, front cover with reproduction of Dubuffet's signature in black.

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