praxis der sprache aus malherbe. (rot. no. 30)
rot: Francis Ponge. Bense, Max and Elisabeth Walther (Eds.)
Stuttgart. edition rot. 1967
This scarce single issue of 'rot' features the work of French theoretician and poet Francis Ponge.
This copy is signed by the editor Elisabeth Walther to the title page. Walther also translated Ponge's text (it is excerpted from his 'Pour un Malherbe', Editions Gallimard, 1965) and provided the afterword for this issue of 'rot'.
This copy is signed by the editor Elisabeth Walther to the title page. Walther also translated Ponge's text (it is excerpted from his 'Pour un Malherbe', Editions Gallimard, 1965) and provided the afterword for this issue of 'rot'.
Square 8vo. (151 x 151 mm). Leaf with title and Ponge's text in German translated from the French by Elisabeth Walther printed on doubled leaves throughout as issued, final leaves with Walther's 'nachwort'; printed by Hansjörg Mayer. Original publisher's red and white printed wrappers by Walter Faiglewith flaps, title 'rot' to front cover as part of the design, issue number in black, quote by Ernst Bloch to white rear cover in red.