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Rixes. No. 1. Comité de Redaction: Max Clara-Sérou, Edouard Jaguer, Iaroslav Serpan


Paris. May / Jun 1950
The first issue of the scarce periodical 'Rixes'.

Contributions by Edouard Jaguer, Michel Butor, Max Clarac-Serou, Christian Dotremont, Öyvind Fahlström, and Iaroslav Serpan. Illustrations by Iaroslav SERPAN, Heinz TROKES, Henri GOETZ, Enrique ZANARTU, Jerzy KUJAWSKY, Roberto MATTA.

A second issue was published in 1951.

[Le Fonds Paul Destribats 541].
pp.36. 4to. (276 x 212 mm). Illustrated with 2 original lithographs: by Matta and Christine Boumeester, printed text and illustration throughout. Original publisher's wrappers with title in red and lithograph by Christine Boumeester.

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