Sims Reed Rare Books:
The Great Exhibition of the Works...
A wonderful example of a very scarce textile roller print - a remarkable survival showing the repeated image - commemorating the Great Exhibition of 1851.
1851 LondonThe Great Exhibition of...1851
Aesop's Fables with his Life: in...
A superlative large paper copy in a contemporary English binding by the Barlow's Aesop Binder of Barlow's undoubted masterpiece of English book illustration.
Barlow, Francis. (Aesop). Behn, AphraAesop's Fables with his...1687
Vitruvius Scoticus; Being a Collection of...
An excellent unsophisticated copy of the notoriously rare Vitruvius Scoticus.
Adam, WilliamVitruvius Scoticus; Being a...1730. c.1730–1740 / 1762 / 1811
The Architecture of Leon Battista Alberti...
First edition in English of Alberti's De Re Ædificatoria, together with his other works De Pictura and Della Statua.
Alberti, Leon BattistaThe Architecture of Leon...1726
Limited to 350 copies.
Algoud, HenriLes Arts de la...nd. ca. 1912
A Touch at the Fine Arts
Alken's satirical collection of plates illuminating the terminology of artistic criticism.
Alken, HenryA Touch at the...1824
12 Verses from The Day Dream...
An extraordinary object masterpiece by Susan Allix: an arch-shaped book with painted binding housed and displayed within its painted glass dome.
Allix, Susan12 Verses from The...1995
Pagoda Memories. Golden Pagodas of Myanmar...
A superb example of a Susan Allix illustrated book - created in its entirety by the artist - inspired by her travels in Myanmar.
Allix, SusanPagoda Memories. Golden Pagodas...2009
Nonsense & Nonsense. A collection of...
The édition de tête in the deluxe magnetic binding of one of Susan Allix's most extraordinary, inventive, capricious and whimsical artist books.
Allix, Susan. Anon, old or unknownNonsense & Nonsense. A...2008
Rough Draft of New Version of...
The complete illustrated original maquette for the definitive version of Edward Ardizzone's 1938 book 'Tim and Lucy Go to Sea'.
Ardizzone, EdwardRough Draft of New...c.1958
Final Draft: Diana and Her Rhinoceros...
The complete original maquette, presented to his grand-children, for Edward Ardizzone's 1964 illustrated book 'Diana and Her Rhinoceros'.
Ardizzone, EdwardFinal Draft: Diana and...c.1964
(Decameron). Il Libro di Messer Giovanni...
An excellent unsophisticated copy of the Ashendene 'Decameron' with the original subscription announcement.
Ashendene Press. Boccaccio, Giovanni(Decameron). Il Libro di...1920
Thucydides. (The History of the Peloponnesian...
The Ashendene Thucydides, the final folio from the press.
Ashendene Press. ThucydidesThucydides. (The History of...1930
The Faerie Queen Disposed Into Twelve...
The beautiful Ashendene 'Faerie Queen'.
Ashendene Press. Spenser, EdmundThe Faerie Queen Disposed...1923
The First [- Second] Part of...
The beautiful Ashendene 'Don Quixote'.
Ashendene Press. Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel deThe First [- Second]...1927; 1928
L'Ombrelle - Le Gant - Le...
Octave Uzanne's anecdotal histories of the umbrella, the glove and the muff, each decorated and illustrated by Paul Avril and with four original drawings for the book.
Avril, Paul. Uzanne, OctaveL'Ombrelle - Le Gant...1883
A good copy of Octave Uzanne's anecdotal history of the fan with a signed portrait of Uzanne and retaining the beautiful original wrappers.
Avril, Paul. Uzanne, OctaveL'Eventail1882
(Chansons de P. J. Berenger.)
Includes the 33 colour lithographs for the Boudoin frères edition of Berenger's Chansons of 1828 plus 7 added coloured plates used in the later editions.
Monnier, Henri. (Berenger, P.-j(Chansons de P. J...1828
Aucassin & Nicolette
French novelist Georges Lecomte's presentation copy of the beautiful Eragny Press edition of the medieval French chantefable 'Aucassin & Nicolette'.
Eragny Press. Bourdillon, Francis William, EdAucassin & Nicolette1903
Remarks on Rifle Guns Being the...
A very good copy of Baker's work on rifles with the plates with fine colouring by hand.
Baker, EzekielRemarks on Rifle Guns...1823