The Great Exhibition of...1851
Aesop's Fables with his...1687
Vitruvius Scoticus; Being a...1730. c.1730–1740 / 1762 / 1811
The Architecture of Leon...1726
A Touch at the...1824
Rough Draft of New...c.1958
Final Draft: Diana and...c.1964
(Decameron). Il Libro di...1920
Thucydides. (The History of...1930
The Faerie Queen Disposed...1923
The First [- Second]...1927; 1928
L'Ombrelle - Le Gant...1883
(Chansons de P. J...1828
Aucassin & Nicolette1903
Remarks on Rifle Guns...1823
A Booke Containing such...1664
Le Pitture Antiche del...1702
Du Ier au XXe...1903