A Booke Containing such...1664
Operas of Clotilda, Hydaspes...1709 / 1710 / 1710
Paradise Lost. A Series...1896
The First [- Second]...1927; 1928
The Faerie Queen Disposed...1923
Urne Buriall and the...1932
Thucydides. (The History of...1930
(Decameron). Il Libro di...1920
Etchings illustrating Chaucer's 'Canterbury...1972
Flikker Books 1 –...1971
The Great Exhibition of...1851
La Céramique dans l'Art...1913
Armes et Armures Orientales...1912
Highlanders of Scotland. Portraits...1870
Méthode et Invention Nouvelle...1737
Picturesque Views on the...1819
Coloured Views on the...1831
Abregé de l'Art Poétique...1903
Endymion: A Poetic Romance1818
Torquato Tasso. Ein Schauspiel...1913