Sims Reed Rare Books:
A very good copy signed by Achleitner.
Achleitner, Friedrichquadrat-studie1973
Pläne und Projekte als Kunst /...
The poster - with a variant without text - for 'Pläne und Projekte als Kunst'.
Aktionsraum 1Pläne und Projekte als...1969
Dibbets. Freitag, 21. August 1970 15-21...
The poster for the action 'Das Licht'.
Aktionsraum 1. Dibbets, JanDibbets. Freitag, 21. August...1970
‘70 13. März. Freitag. Prozess. 1...
The poster for 'Prozess Schackstrasse'.
Aktionsraum 1. Haacke, Hoke, & Schult‘70 13. März. Freitag...1970
Bewohner. (Resident)
Poster for the 'Bewohner' art performance.
Aktionsraum 1. Nemetschek, PeterBewohner. (Resident)1970
Erschossen Jeffrey G. Miller (20) :...
The poster for HA Schult's action.
Aktionsraum 1. Schult, HaErschossen Jeffrey G. Miller...1970
Luftaufnahme von Monschau
The screenprint for HA Schult's action.
Aktionsraum 1. Schult, HaLuftaufnahme von Monschau1970
20.000 km
The poster for '20.
Aktionsraum 1. Schult, Ha20.000 km1970
The poster for 'Kreuzwortfelder'.
Aktionsraum 1. Tonello, FernandoKreuzwortfelder1970
Exhibition catalogue of Alechinsky's drawings, shown at the Stedelijk Museum, 1963.
Alechinskyque d'encore ... wat...1963
Catalogue for the travelling exhibition of Alechinksy's works in 1965, shown at The Arts Club of Chicago, The University Gallery Minnesota, and The Jewish Museum New York.
K. Appel. Dipinti e Ceramiche. Galleria...
Published to accompany the exhibition of Karel Appel at Galleria d'Ariete (Milan) beginning 21 November 1956.
Appel. Sandberg, W. et alK. Appel. Dipinti e...1956
Karel Appel. (Nus / Nudes)
Published on the occasion of three Karel Appel exhibitions - in Zurich (1963), Paris and London (both 1964).
AppelKarel Appel. (Nus /...1963
Published on the occasion of the Gimpel Fils exhibition of Appel's oils and gouache works, 1959.
AppelKarel Appel1959, October
Published on the occasion of the exhibition of Appel's work at the Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels in 1953.
Appel. Tapié, Michelkarel appel1953
Edition limited to 110 copies, with an original drawing by Arikha on the front cover.
Arikha8 lithographies sur le...1955
A good copy of 'Cardiogramme' with Arman's two signed originals.
Arman. Lepage, JacquesCardiogramme1966
Arp, Hans; Ernst, Max. Geh durch...
Edition limited to 300 copies with an original collage in 2 colours by Hans Arp and a colour lithograph by Max Ernst.
Arp / ErnstArp, Hans; Ernst, Max...1960
Vers le Blanc Infini. Poèmes et...
An excellent copy of Arp's artist book.
Arp, HansVers le Blanc Infini...1960
L'Enfant de la Terre
From the edition limited to 50 copies, signed and numbered by PAB in pencil.
Arp. Alexandre, MaximeL'Enfant de la Terre1965