Sims Reed Rare Books:
Le Fleuve. Eaux-Fortes d'Edouard Manet
Manet’s illustrations for Cros’ Le Fleuve, the first truly modern illustrated book, with the rare original wrappers.
Manet, Edouard. Cros, CharlesLe Fleuve. Eaux-Fortes d'Edouard...1874
Recueil des Plans, Elevations et Coupes...
The rare first edition - a beautiful copy in contemporary red morocco with the arms of Stanislas Leczinski for whom the book was produced - of one of the greatest and most beautiful 18th century books on gardens and architecture.
Here De Corny, Emmanuel LéopoldRecueil des Plans, Elevations...1750 c.–1753
Dylan Thomas. Collected Poems 1934 -...
An extraordinary work of sympathy, empathy and synchronicity: Ceri Richards' ink illuminations to the poems of Dylan Thomas - with the beautiful painted dust-jacket - undertaken while the poet was dying.
Richards, Ceri. Dylan ThomasDylan Thomas. Collected Poems...1953
Le Vite de' piu eccellenti Pittori,...
The second edition of Vasari's famous 'Vite' but the first complete edition with much new material and the first to be illustrated.
Vasari, GiorgioLe Vite de' piu...1568
Keats. (Poems)
A very scarce copy of the vellum issue of the Doves Press' Keats in a highly accomplished binding of red morocco by Frieda Thiersch.
Doves Press. Keats, JohnKeats. (Poems)1914
Détail des Nouveaux Jardins à la...
A complete copy of Le Rouge's expansive and virtually unobtainable publication on gardens in the Anglo-Chinese manner.
Le Rouge, (George Louis)Détail des Nouveaux Jardins...1776–1787
Toulouse-Lautrec's masterpiece, pre-dating Bonnard's 'Parallèlement' by some 6 years, and one of the earliest and greatest modern illustrated books.
Toulouse-lautrec, Henri de. Geffroy, GustaveYvette Guilbert1894
Méthode et Invention Nouvelle de Dresser...
Newcastle, William Cavendish, Duke ofMéthode et Invention Nouvelle...1737
Aesop's Fables with his Life: in...
A superlative large paper copy in a contemporary English binding by the Barlow's Aesop Binder of Barlow's undoubted masterpiece of English book illustration.
Barlow, Francis. (Aesop). Behn, AphraAesop's Fables with his...1687
Vitruvius Scoticus; Being a Collection of...
An excellent unsophisticated copy of the notoriously rare Vitruvius Scoticus.
Adam, WilliamVitruvius Scoticus; Being a...1730. c.1730–1740 / 1762 / 1811
The Plan and Estimate of Finishing...
An exceptional discrete collection - and a remarkable survival from the early eighteenth-century - of groundplans, elevations and documents, the proposal by Hawksmoor, Campbell and James for Queen Anne's North Pavilion at Greenwich.
Hawksmoor, Nicholas, Colen Campbell & John JamesThe Plan and Estimate...1728 / 1729
Nine Original 'Cuivres' for Les Fleurs...
A collection of original etching plates for the first edition of Grandville's Les Fleurs Animées.
Grandville, (Jean-Ignace-Everard Gérard)Nine Original 'Cuivres' for...1847
Le Bon Genre. Observations sur les...
One of the scarcest fashion and caricature suites with superb coloured plates.
Vernet, Carle, Louis-Marie Lanté, Dominique Bosio et al. Mésangère, Pierre de la. (Ed.)Le Bon Genre. Observations...1827
Liber Studiorum
A very good complete set of Turner's famed Liber Studiorum, with all plates on uncut sheets.
Turner, Joseph Mallord WilliamLiber Studiorum1812 1807–1819
Perspectivae Sintagma, in quo varia eximiaque...
Extremely scarce third edition of Jamnitzer's famous book on perspective, originally published as 'Perspectiva corporum regularium' in 1568.
Jamnitzer, WenzelPerspectivae Sintagma, in quo...1626
The Process of Calotype Photogenic Drawing,...
The rare first edition of the first announcement of William Henry Fox Talbot's calotype method - the negative / positive photographic process - the most important innovation in the history of photography.
Talbot, William Henry FoxThe Process of Calotype...1841
Incroyables et Merveilleuses
The rare complete suite of hand-coloured engravings of dandies ('Incroyables') and their female counterparts ('Merveilleuses').
Vernet, Horace & LanteIncroyables et Merveilleusesc.1815
Apocalypse de Saint-Jean par Odilon Redon
Odilon Redon's 'Apocalypse de Saint-Jean', an excellent unsophisticated set in the original wrappers.
Redon, OdilonApocalypse de Saint-Jean par...1899
La Charrue d'Erable
One of the finest Eragny productions - Pissarro's second commission and, all in all, his finest book - a superb copy in the original limp apple calf and with the additional signed suite on Chine.
(eragny Press). Pissarro, Camille. Moselly, EmileLa Charrue d'Erable1912
The Works of F. Rabelais, M...
A beautiful and complete copy of the very scarce first complete edition in English of Rabelais' 'Gargantua and Pantagruel' in an elegant English contemporary binding.
Rabelais, François. Urchard (Urquhart), Sir Thomas & Peter MotteuxThe Works of F...1693–1694