Sims Reed Rare Books:
Plenas. 12 Grabados de Lorenzo Homar...
Lorenzo Homar and Rafael Tufino illustrating Puerto Rican folk songs.
Homar, Lorenzo & Rafael TufinoPlenas. 12 Grabados de...1955
Woodcuts and Linoleum Blocks
An excellent example of the édition de tête with the additional signed suite.
Weber, MaxWoodcuts and Linoleum Blocks1956
Expériences Musicales
The complete series of vinyl records of Jean Dubuffet's musical experiments, 'Expériences Musicales', each in the lithograph sleeve he designed.
Dubuffet, JeanExpériences Musicales1961
Marcel Broodthaers. Fig. 1. (Filmabend /...
A unique inscribed example of Marcel Broodthaers' Mönchengladbach Kassettenpublikation catalogue / multiple, the 'belegexemplar' initialled by Broodthaers and altered through intervention from multiple to unique work.
Broodthaers, MarcelMarcel Broodthaers. Fig. 1...1971
The Picture of Dorian Gray. (Announcement...
'The Picture of Dorian Gray' poster / announcement for the Petersburg Press edition by Jim Dine.
Dine, JimThe Picture of Dorian...1968
Grammar. (Gramatyka)
An excellent copy of Jaroslaw Kozlowski's semantic artist book 'Grammar'.
Kozlowski, JaroslawGrammar. (Gramatyka)1973
Nonsense & Nonsense. A collection of...
The édition de tête in the deluxe magnetic binding of one of Susan Allix's most extraordinary, inventive, capricious and whimsical artist books.
Allix, Susan. Anon, old or unknownNonsense & Nonsense. A...2008
Pagoda Memories. Golden Pagodas of Myanmar...
A superb example of a Susan Allix illustrated book - created in its entirety by the artist - inspired by her travels in Myanmar.
Allix, SusanPagoda Memories. Golden Pagodas...2009
12 Verses from The Day Dream...
An extraordinary object masterpiece by Susan Allix: an arch-shaped book with painted binding housed and displayed within its painted glass dome.
Allix, Susan12 Verses from The...1995
Allen Jones's 'Naomi' multiple / artwork celebrating the remarkable Naomi Campbell, an excellent copy housed in the original pink mailing box and additional card packaging.
Jones, Allen. Campbell, NaomiNaomi2016
Letters Box
Allen Jones' scarce woodcut series - his only discrete use of woodcut - printed in China and featuring asemic calligraphic characters.
Jones, AllenLetters Box2007
0,1-33m unter NN. Ostsee 1
Geological artist book by Anett Frontzek relating to changes in sea level.
Frontzek, Anett0,1-33m unter NN. Ostsee...2001
het water 1
An innovative cartographic artist book by Anett Frontzek.
Frontzek, Anetthet water 12000
Vers le Blanc Infini. Poèmes et...
An excellent copy of Arp's artist book.
Arp, HansVers le Blanc Infini...1960
From Around a Lake
An excellent copy of the first edition of Richard Long's early artist book.
Long, RichardFrom Around a Lake1973
Fourteen Poems by C. P. Cavafy...
David Hockney's illustrations for Cavafy's poems with the additional signed etching.
Hockney, David. Cavafy, C. PFourteen Poems by C...1966
El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz...
Picasso's poetic and pictorial homage to El Greco and Velazquez.
Picasso, PabloEl Entierro del Conde...1969
Niki de Saint-Phalle
An excellent Niki de Saint-Phalle invitation card.
Saint-phalle, Niki deNiki de Saint-Phalle1968
Rrose Sélavy
An excellent copy of the collection of Marcel Duchamp's verbal and literary witticisms: aphorisms, puns, apothegms and phrasal palindromes.
Duchamp, MarcelRrose Sélavy1939
The Large Glass and Related Works
A superb copy, pristine in the original protective wooden shipping boxes, of Marcel Duchamp's final, exegetic pronouncement on his 'most important work': 'La Mariée Mise à Nu par Ses Célibataires, Même', 'The Large Glass'.
Duchamp, Marcel. Schwarz, ArturoThe Large Glass and...1967–1968