From or by Marcel...1941–1958
War Pictures. Menthol Pictures...1980
Dylan Thomas. Collected Poems...1953
Fifteen Photographs1974
Fifteen Photographs1974
A Gold Book1957
Mick Jagger, 19751975
Charles Baudelaire. Pauvre Belgique1974
Removedor. Revista del Taller...1945–1953
A Catalogue of Superobjects...1977
Je Hais le Mouvement...1973
S. M. S. (Shit...1968
To be with Art...1970, Autumn
The Ten Speeches of...1971, Spring
Book B1958–64
Un Coup de Dés...1969
Janela do Caos. (Window...1949
Stempel Theke / Stempelkasten...1968 / 1972