Sims Reed Rare Books:
From or by Marcel Duchamp or...
A very scarce copy of Marcel Duchamp's 'La Boîte-en-Valise' with a triple presentation from Duchamp.
Duchamp, MarcelFrom or by Marcel...1941–1958
War Pictures. Menthol Pictures. Menthol Wars
First editions of Richard Prince's scarce first artist book trilogy.
Prince, RichardWar Pictures. Menthol Pictures...1980
An excellent example of Ed Ruscha's beautiful conception, the scarce, literal and reductive portfolio multiple 'Stains'.
Ruscha, EdStains1969
Dylan Thomas. Collected Poems 1934 -...
An extraordinary work of sympathy, empathy and synchronicity: Ceri Richards' ink illuminations to the poems of Dylan Thomas - with the beautiful painted dust-jacket - undertaken while the poet was dying.
Richards, Ceri. Dylan ThomasDylan Thomas. Collected Poems...1953
Fifteen Photographs
A superb example of the Double Elephant Press portfolio of signed photographs by Garry Winogrand.
Winogrand, Garry. Friedlander, Lee, EdFifteen Photographs1974
Fifteen Photographs
A superb example of the Double Elephant Press portfolio of signed photographs by Manuel Alvarez Bravo.
Bravo, Manuel Alvarez. Friedlander, Lee, EdFifteen Photographs1974
Mo Hitotsu No Kuni / Another...
The very scarce first edition of Moriyama's hand-made artist's book, the variant with the American flag cover, this copy signed 'Daido' by Moriyama.
Moriyama DaidoMo Hitotsu No Kuni...1974
A Gold Book
A unique example of the most beautiful of Warhol's pre-Pop books with a variant cover.
Warhol, AndyA Gold Book1957
The Large Glass and Related Works
A superb copy, pristine in the original protective wooden shipping boxes, of Marcel Duchamp's final, exegetic pronouncement on his 'most important work': 'La Mariée Mise à Nu par Ses Célibataires, Même', 'The Large Glass'.
Duchamp, Marcel. Schwarz, ArturoThe Large Glass and...1967–1968
Mick Jagger, 1975
An exceptional example of the prospectus / catalogue for Andy Warhol's portfolio of screenprints of Mick Jagger with each of the cards and the cover signed in black marker by Warhol.
Warhol, AndyMick Jagger, 19751975
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. Twelve Illustrations...
The deluxe edition with the additional suite of Salvador Dali's illustrations for Lewis Carroll's proto-Surrealist masterpiece.
Dali, Salvador. Carroll, LewisAlice's Adventures in Wonderland...1969
Charles Baudelaire. Pauvre Belgique
An excellent copy of Marcel Broodthaers' scarce gnomic artist book based on Charles Baudelaire's criticism of Belgium.
Broodthaers, MarcelCharles Baudelaire. Pauvre Belgique1974
A Catalogue of Superobjects - Supercomfort...
The superb, subversive photographic portfolio satirising capitalism and communism.
Komar & MelamidA Catalogue of Superobjects...1977
El Entierro del Conde de Orgaz...
Picasso's poetic and pictorial homage to El Greco and Velazquez.
Picasso, PabloEl Entierro del Conde...1969
Je Hais le Mouvement Qui Déplace...
A superb copy of the édition de tête of the 'édition originale' of Marcel Broodthaers' anonymous artist book - the first of 3 lettered copies and one of only 13 signed by the artist - inspired by Baudelaire's sonnet 'La Beauté'.
Broodthaers, Marcel. Charles BaudelaireJe Hais le Mouvement...1973
S. M. S. (Shit Must Stop)...
A complete set of the deluxe issue of William Copley's S.
S. M. S. Copley, WilliamS. M. S. (Shit...1968
Fourteen Poems by C. P. Cavafy...
David Hockney's illustrations for Cavafy's poems with the additional signed etching.
Hockney, David. Cavafy, C. PFourteen Poems by C...1966
To be with Art is all...
The very rare portfolio edition with an original photograph and limited to only nine copies of Gilbert & George's second booklet: 'To be with Art is all we Ask'.
Gilbert & GeorgeTo be with Art...1970, Autumn
The Ten Speeches of Gilbert and...
The very rare early portfolio detailing Gilbert & George's personal view of their own artistic persona(e).
Gilbert & GeorgeThe Ten Speeches of...1971, Spring
Interfunktionen. No. 1. (Deluxe edition)
The very scarce deluxe edition of the first issue of Interfunctionen with signed original material from many of the contributors.
Interfunktionen. Heubach, Friedrich Wolfram (Ed.)Interfunktionen. No. 1. (Deluxe...1968