Sims Reed Rare Books:
Répertoire des Pantins
A complete set of the musical scores with covers illustrated by Pierre Bonnard for the Répertoire des Pantins.
Bonnard Pierre. Terrasse, Claude and Franc-NohainRépertoire des Pantins[1898]
Un Cadavre
A very good copy of the tract issued by the dissident Surrealists against Breton which led to his christening as 'le Pape du Surréalisme'.
Bataille, Georges, Jacques Prévert, Michel Leiris, Georges Ribemont-Dessaignes, Raymond Queneau et alUn Cadavre1930, 15 Janvier
Un Cadavre
A very good copy of the scarce, first collective Surrealist tract 'Un Cadavre'.
Aragon, Louis, André Breton, Paul Eluard, Philippe Soupault et alUn Cadavre1924, 18 Octobre
Hands Off Love. (Printed in Transition)
The very scarce offprint of 'Hands Off Love' issued in defence of Surrealism's hero Charlie Chaplin after his divorce and the publication of Lita Grey Chaplin's scandalising 'The Complaint of Lita'.
Cunard, Nancy. Alexandre, Maxime, Louis Aragon, Jacques Baron et alHands Off Love. (Printed...1927
Afat. Soixante-Seize Sonnets
The first of Iliazd's beautiful and typographically inventive illustrated books and the first he produced with Picasso.
Picasso, Pablo. Iliazd (Ilia Zdanevitch)Afat. Soixante-Seize Sonnets1940
Grand Air. (Les Yeux Fertiles)
A very scarce proof example of 'Grand Air', the remarkable collaborative Surrealist etching by Eluard and Picasso, aside from the edition of ten copies issued with the book 'Les Yeux Fertiles' and inscribed 'épreuve d'artiste'.
Picasso, Pablo & Paul EluardGrand Air. (Les Yeux...1936
Couleurs. Contes avec des Gravures de...
The unique nominatif copy on papier Impérial du Japon printed for the publisher Camille Bloch with all of Laboureur's original drawings for the book and a wealth of additional material.
Laboureur, Jean-Emile. Gourmont, Remy deCouleurs. Contes avec des...1929
Vers le Blanc Infini. Poèmes et...
An excellent copy of Arp's artist book.
Arp, HansVers le Blanc Infini...1960
Parler Seul
One of Miró's greatest illustrated books.
Miro, Joan. Tzara, TristanParler Seul1950
Le Chef-d'Oeuvre Inconnu
Picasso's collaboration with Ambroise Vollard, his illustrations for Balzac's protean novella.
Picasso, Pablo. Balzac, Honoré deLe Chef-d'Oeuvre Inconnu1931
Pasiphaé, Chant de Minos. (Les Crétois)
A superb example of Henri Matisse's 'Pasiphaé' with the original cover in excellent condition.
Matisse, Henri. Montherlant, Henri dePasiphaé, Chant de Minos...1944
La Lampe dans l'Horloge. Avec une...
André Breton's copy, entirely uncut and unopened, with proofs of his text and an additional version of Toyen's original lithograph.
Toyen. (Marie Cerminova). Breton, AndréLa Lampe dans l'Horloge...1948
Légitime Défense
Andre Breton's own copy of his pamphlet, with a leaf of manuscript and other related ephemera.
Breton, AndréLégitime Défense1926
Eclairez Votre Religion - Aux Enfants...
André Breton's copy of this very scarce plaquette destined for the children of workers and noted for its virulent 'anticlérical, anticapitaliste, anticolonialiste, antipatriotique' sentiments.
Adam, Georges. Aragon LouisEclairez Votre Religion -...1932
Rrose Sélavy
An excellent copy of the collection of Marcel Duchamp's verbal and literary witticisms: aphorisms, puns, apothegms and phrasal palindromes.
Duchamp, MarcelRrose Sélavy1939
La Double Vue / L'Inventeur du...
Robert Lebel's dual novel and autobiography with Marcel Duchamp's signed multiple, Giacometti's signed diptych and the additional signed suite of his etchings.
Giacometti, Alberto & Marcel Duchamp. Lebel, RobertLa Double Vue /...1964
VIIIe Pythique
A superb example of this superb collaboration between Picasso and PAB.
Picasso, Pablo. Pindare. (Jean Beaufret, Trans.)VIIIe Pythique1960
Anthologie de l'Humour Noir
An excellent, unsophisticated copy of André Breton's important 'Anthologie de l'Humour Noir' with the frontispiece etching by Picasso and Oscar Dominguez's unique cover.
Picasso, Picasso. Breton, AndréAnthologie de l'Humour Noir1940
L'Antitête - Monsieur AA l'Antiphilosophe. Eaux-fortes...
An excellent copy, completely unsophisticated as issued, of the second edition - the first in this form and with these illustrations - of Tristan Tzara's triple anthology of works.
Ernst, Max, Yves Tanguy & Joan Miro. Tzara, TristanL'Antitête - Monsieur AA...1949
Bulletin de 'l'Effort Moderne'. No. 1...
A scarce complete set of Léonce Rosenberg's 'Bulletin de 'L'Effort Moderne' with all the wrappers by Georges Valmier.
Rosenberg, LéonceBulletin de 'l'Effort Moderne'...1924–1927