The Engraved Works of...c.1775–1822
Noa Noa, Voyage de...1926
The Works of John...1903–1912
ELLEBORE. Nos. 1 –...1979–1984
The Life of William...1863
Crystal Blinkers. Translated by...1973
Galerie René Drouin. 17,...1944
The Snowdrop. Translated from...1967
Buchwerke / Bookworks2010
Kasmin is Open1973
Art d'Aujourd'hui. Revue d'Art...1953
Art d'Aujourd'hui. Revue d'Art...1954
Christian Boltanski: Reconstitution1990
Hermann Nitsch1964
Supervisuell 6. Otto Muehl...1970
Mirobolus, Macadam et Cie...1946
L'Oeuf de L'Oeil1937