Sims Reed Rare Books:
Selbstporträt des Schachspielers als trinkende Uhr...
Jandl, ErnstSelbstporträt des Schachspielers als...1983
Antonio Calderara
Leaflet accompanying the exhibition of Calderara's work at Galerie Francoise Mayer 11th May to 5th June 1971, with biographical note, bibliography and list of Calderara's exhibitions since 1960.
Calderara, AntonioAntonio Calderara1971
Lucebert Bilder und Zeichnungen
Postcard invitation to the opening of the exhibition Lucebert Bilder und Zeichnungen at Galerie Gabriele von Loeper Hamburg on the 26th of February 1987.
LucebertLucebert Bilder und Zeichnungen1987
Per Kirkeby, Asger Jorn
Invitation to the opening of the exhibition Per Kirkeby, Asger Jorn at Galerie Joachim Blüher Cologne on the 17th of September 1993.
Kirkeby, Per. Asger JornPer Kirkeby, Asger Jorn1993
Works on Paper
Invitation to the opening reception of the Karel Appel Works on Paper exhibition at Jack Rutberg Fine Arts Los Angeles on the 4th of March 1988.
Appel, KarelWorks on Paper1988
Single sheet advertising two new editions of works by Adolf Luther produced for the exhibition Adolf Luther Licht bildet einen Raum im Raume Objekte und Modelle held at Galerie Löhrl from the 13th of May to the 20th of June 1984.
Luther, Adolf1984
Antonio Calderara. Bilder, Aquarelle, Grafik
Leaflet accompanying the exhibition of Antonio Calderara's work at Galerie Defet with note by H.
Calderara, AntonioAntonio Calderara. Bilder, Aquarelle,...1969
Pierre Alechinsky
Invitation to the opening of the Pierre Alechinsky exhibition at Ronny Van de Velde Antwerp on the 27th of February 1999.
Alechinsky, PierrePierre Alechinsky1999
Pierre Alechinsky
Invitation to the opening of the Pierre Alechinsky exhibition at Galerie Friedrich Cologne on the 3rd of May 1984.
Alechinsky, PierrePierre Alechinsky1984
Karel Appel Unintended Monuments Sculptures &...
Invitation to the vernissage of the exhibition Karel Appel Unintended Monuments Sculptures & Drawings at Galerie Lelong Zurich on the 30th of May 1997.
Appel, KarelKarel Appel Unintended Monuments...1997
Géén Cobra, maar gewoon Karel Appel
Invitation to the opening of the exhibition Géén Cobra, maar gewoon Karel Appel at Gallery Delaive Amsterdam on the 28th of November 1998.
Appel, KarelGéén Cobra, maar gewoon...1998
Karel Appel. Farbige Lithographien 1957-77
Invitation to the opening of the exhibition Karel Appel Farbige Lithographien 1957-77 at Galerie der Spiegel Cologne on the 11th of April 1980.
Appel, KarelKarel Appel. Farbige Lithographien...1980
Asger Jorn Skulpturen Bilder Arbeiten auf...
Invitation to the exhibition Asger Jorn Skulpturen Bilder Arbeiten auf Papier at Galerie Rudolf Zwirner from the 24th of May to the 30th of June 1991.
Jorn, AsgerAsger Jorn Skulpturen Bilder...1991
Asger Jorn Druckgrafik
Invitation to the exhibition Asger Jorn Druckgrafik at Galerie Rudolf Zwirner Cologne in April 1990.
Jorn, AsgerAsger Jorn Druckgrafik1990
Asger Jorn
Invitation to the Galerie Van De Loo stand at Internationaler Kunstmarkt Köln 1981.
Jorn, AsgerAsger Jorn1981
fingerübungen. 50 texte. 3 grafiken von...
Döhl, Reinhardfingerübungen. 50 texte. 3...1962
Ästhetische Prozesse. Beiträge zu einer Theorie...
Schmidt, SiegfriedÄsthetische Prozesse. Beiträge zu...1971
Es Anna
Published as number 12 in Wolfgang Fietkau's 'Schritte für moderne und avantgardistische literatur'.
Döhl, ReinhardEs Anna1966
Accompanied the exhibition Lucebert at Marlborough which ran from March to April 1966.
Alain Jacquet
Leaflet accompanying the exhibition on Alain Jacquet held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago from the 2nd of March to the 7th of April 1968.
Jacquet, AlainAlain Jacquet1968